Here is what we now know about Micah X Johnson, the 25-year-old veteran who killed five Dallas police officers and injured more in a sniper attack Thursday. The following intelligence was gathered from True Pundit’s federal law enforcement sources exclusively. You will not find these gems anywhere else, until later, when other news outlets swipe them from True Pundit, usually without any credit.
We are going bullet format today. Just the raw intelligence, no fluff:
*Johnson was a devout Muslim. FBI have directed Dallas Police and law enforcement from the Texas Dept. of Public Safety who are investigating the murders to NOT divulge this fact to the media. Leak and face obstruction charges, sources said.
*Johnson used a T-Mobile cellular phone (we have the full number). Johnson used a Yahoo email account (we have the full address). Communications from both link to Radical Imam Shafiq Rahman of the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, FL. This was Omar Mateen’s mosque and Imam. FBI has put a clamp down on this information and are withholding it from the public.
*Johnson’s conversion from born Christian to Muslim was facilitated by Imam Abu Taubah, birth name Dwayne Robertson, the former body guard and confidant for Omar Abdel-Rahman, “the Blind Sheik,” who was involved in the 1993 World Trade Center attack and terrorist attacks on high-value American targets globally. Robertson (AKA Taubah) began Dallas killer Johnson’s Muslim conversion in July 2015 through his controversial Timbuktu Seminary.The heart of the program’s curriculum is to actively encourage students to travel abroad for radicalization and suicide bomber training. Communications on Johnson’s cell and email likewise link to Robertson, who recently spent four years in prison in Florida on illegal weapons and tax fraud charges.
*Mateen ALSO was taught by Robertson under the same program used to convert, mold Johnson. This fact places Dallas killer Johnson with two of Mateen’s Muslim mentors. It is believed Johnson copied Mateen’s attack but targeted Caucasian police officers instead of gays.
*Johnson is not a new face to the FBI. He surfaced during an investigation in 2015 of Shafiq Rahman of the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce. Johnson, was deemed “not a threat” by FBI investigators and intelligence gathering was not pursued further. The probe was sparked by mosque member 22-year-old Palestinian-American Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, aka Abu Hurayra al-Amriki. After or under the Florida mosque’s tutelage, Abu-Salha flew from the US to Turkey and trekked into Syria to join up with al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front. In May 2014, Abu-Salha, as a member of al-Nusra, drove a massive truck bomb into a restaurant in Jabal al-Arbaeen filled with Syrian government soldiers. The casualties were massive.
In case you’re not paying attention, like the FBI who is apparently asleep at the wheel, three Mass killers are now linked to this radical Florida mosque and as far as we know, two are linked to the teachings of Robertson. (Indication of roots of a strong national terror cell are emerging here). Dallas killer Johnson, again, was on the FBI’s radar but just like Mateen, who was interviewed multiple times by the bureau, nothing happened. We now know Mateen was likely an informant for the FBI in some capacity. Sources do not believe Johnson is in that category, yet one is forced to ponder.