CROOKED: Democrat Kyrsten Sinema is the apparent winner of Arizona U.S. Senate seat


Democrat Kyrsten Sinema is the apparent winner of Arizona Senate race, according to NBC News.

Republican Martha McSally conceded defeat, bringing an end to the long-fought battle over the seat held by retiring GOP Sen. Jeff Flake.

While most of the hundreds of midterm races produced clear winners and losers by Tuesday night, NBC News still considered the Arizona contest too close to call until Monday night. Sinema eventually developed a lead that grew as days wore on.

She is the first woman ever elected to the U.S. Senate from the state of Arizona and the first Democrat that the state elected to the Senate in 30 years.

As the votes trickled in, Republicans launched a lawsuit challenging a mail-in ballot-counting practice in two Arizona counties that allowed voters to fix issues for up to five days after Election Day. – READ  MORE


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