Cory Booker Predicts Trump Will Use ‘Dirty Tricks’ Ahead of the Election


Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) says Americans will likely face “obstacles” to voting, but is encouraging them to “press on in what is the most important election of our lifetime.”

During an appearance on ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Wednesday, Booker was asked if he is “convinced” that the presidential election will be fair.

“Well, I think that we’ve already seen a president do things that are unprecedented, and it’s not Barack Obama giving a critic of Donald Trump,” Book responded. “It’s Donald Trump doing everything from turning armed forces on peaceful protesters in front of Lafayette Square.”

“Donald Trump attacking the postal service the way he is in the days before an election. This is a time where we’ve seen so many norms trashed by this president,” he added.

Booker said there is a “credible belief” that America’s democracy is being “stressed tested like it never has before.”

“And so there may be dirty tricks from this president, we’re already seeing right now, again, with the post office,” Booker said.

Still, he encouraged Americans not to be deterred by potential obstacles to voting, “I learned from parents and grandparents that obstacles will always be put up. But our determination to surmount them is what’s important. And so I hope Americans are not deterred and press on in what is the most important election of our lifetime.” – READ MORE

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