Corn: We’d Have Trump For Russia Collusion if the Media Would Cooperate


Robert Mueller’s investigation has turned up no evidence Donald Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 presidential election.

As the investigation, which Trump has said he believes is politically motivated, continues, he has grown increasingly impatient. But a Mother Jones piece Tuesday by David Corn said that the investigation hasn’t progressed because the media is protecting Trump.

Corn, who was part of the plan to get Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants to spy on members of the Trump campaign, said the media is refusing to connect the dots for readers and helping him confuse Americans into not thinking he did things he clearly is guilty of.

According to a series of reports, Corn wrote stories for Mother Jones based on information fed to him by Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson to create an information loop to convince the FISA court judge that these events were not merely unfolding but were being reported on widely in the press.

This use of his reporting microphone to abet government corruption rather than to expose it helped members of the U.S. intelligence community obtain FISA warrants even though they first had been turned down for lack of evidence.

Now, he says the press is whitewashing the contents of the dossier and other reporting on alleged Trump collusion to help the president escape impeachment.

Corn’s story opens with a vignette about him appearing on a cable news show with Michael Isikoff, who also reportedly participated in the scheme to create the information and who has co-authored with Corn a book entitled “Russian Roulette” about the 2016 election.READ MORE

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