CNN Boosts Left-Wing Campaign to Censor Conservative News Site; Approves ‘Blacklisting’ (VIDEO)


Cnn Swept Aside Journalistic Ethics On Sunday By Endorsing A Blacklisting Campaign With A Glowing Interview Of Matt Rivitz, The Founder Of Sleeping Giants, A Failed Effort To Censor Breitbart News By Harassing And Intimidating Companies Whose Advertisements May (Or May Not) Have Appeared On The Website.

The interview took place on Reliable Sources, a Sunday morning show that once focused on analyzing the media, but which in recent years has been turned into the editorial mouthpiece of CNN president Jeff Zucker, voiced through host Brian Stelter.

Sunday’s program was helmed by substitute anchor John Avlon, in for Stelter — who had earlier used his vacation to dodge questions about CNN’s failure to retract a false story about President Donald Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Ironically, Avlon and Reliable Sources addressed the Cohen story without acknowledging that CNN had lied about the fact that Lanny Davis had been one of its sources. Avlon’s panel slammed Davis for “backtracking” on his version of events, then quickly shifted to talking about threats made against the Boston Globe. – READ MORE


The lawyer for President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen said he was blaming himself, not CNN, after the network ran a story about Cohen knowing the president had advance knowledge of that Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton.

In an interview with Howard Kurtz on Fox News’ “MediaBuzz,” attorney Lanny Davis said he thought he was asking CNN to investigate a hunch he had that Trump knew about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but that he did not make his uncertainty “clear enough.”

“I can understand that they interpreted what I said as a confirmation, and have not blamed CNN,” Davis said. “I have blamed myself for not being more clear that, in my mind, I did not know the details about that meeting, and I should not have encouraged any reporter.”

Davis added: “I do think, for everybody who deals with the media in my position, this is a lesson, maybe a teaching moment.  Don’t even float stories on background, which is our expression for anonymously, unless you have a certainty of the facts, and you’re asking reporters to go look to confirm those facts.”  – READ MORE

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