Chuck Todd Argues MSNBC, Unlike Fox, Operates In a ‘Fact-Based Environment’


NBC/MSNBC host Chuck Todd granted an interview to Jamie Weinstein of National Review, where he continued his attack on anyone who would question the “mainstream” media’s tilt. Weinstein politely avoided all the topics that would make Todd want to punt the interview: no questions about Matt Lauer, no questions about Todd granting two platforms for Antifa to defend violence, and no questions about hostingcozy dinner parties honoring Hillary staffers with Mrs. Todd (and you can NOT mention any conflict with the wife’s Democrat direct-mail business!)

About 29 minutes in, Weinstein asked how to distinguish Fox News from MSNBC, “because an argument can be made that Fox News is giving their viewer what they want, which is, Clinton email update investigations, or non-Mueller news, and CNN and MSNBC and others are giving their four hours of ‘we just found another email in the Mueller investigation, we’re not sure how this plays in the grand scheme of things,’ but we can bring on six lawyers and discuss it.”

Todd brought out the swagger: “Well, the first way MSNBC would say they’re different from Fox is that they operate always in a fact-based environment, and that they don’t delve into conspiracy theories (mutters) the way a few people in prime time do.”

Earth to Chuck: MSNBC’s chief breaking-news anchor is Brian Williams. READ  MORE


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