Despite all of Silicon Valley’s efforts, China is still the a major software thief — at a cost of $8.7 billion a year.
America leads the world in software piracy at $9.1 billion, but the theft level in the U.S. is only 17 percent. China’s theft may amount to slightly less in dollars, but over 70 percent of all the software used in China is pirated. The worst foreign thief by percentage is Indonesia at 84 percent.
The use of unlicensed software is a $45 billion problem, according to a recent report published by the Business Software Alliance. About 39 percent of all software installed on PCs around the world in 2015 was not properly licensed.
The report highlights that the other leading foreign thieves of software are India at $2.7 billion, France at $2.1 billion, the United Kingdom at $1.9 billion, Brazil at $1.8 billion, Germany at $1.7 billion, Russia at $1.3 billion, Italy at $1.3 billion, and Indonesia at 1.1 billion. – READ MORE