BUSTED: Cory Booker campaign gets caught breaking pledge on drug industry donations


After stating that his campaign didn’t accept contributions from the pharmaceutical industry, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) has returned a campaign donation from a pharmaceutical company executive.

Booker returned a $2,800 contribution from Michael Cordera, Eagle Pharmaceuticals executive vice president, General Counsel, and Chief Compliance Officer, ABC reported Tuesday, after uncovering the donation in a Federal Election Commission filing.

Eagle Pharmaceuticals manufactures Ryanodex, which is used to treat muscle spasms, as well as Bendeka and Bendamustine, which are chemotherapy drugs that can be used to treat leukemia and non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

This comes after Booker renewed a pledge not to take pharma donations on national television last week. – READ MORE

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