Blue Wave Turning to Puddle: Trump Candidates Win 7 Out of 7 Races in Two Weeks


Two candidates that Trump had backed on Tuesday’s elections in Minnesota and Wisconsin won their elections handily, joining the five Trump-endorsed candidates who emerged victorious on Tuesday last week in Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Ohio.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a staunch Trump ally who received an endorsement for his gubernatorial bid last week, was finally declared the winner last night after his GOP opponent, Gov. Jeff Colyer ultimately conceded defeat in a close race.

In Michigan, Trump endorsed “potential Republican star” Senate candidate John James in the Republican primary, and James emerged with a wide margin of victory to now challenge incumbent Democrat Sen. Debbie Stabenow in November.

Staying in Michigan, Trump also endorsed Bill Schuette to be the state’s next governor. He defeated his primary opponents and will now face Democrat gubernatorial nominee Gretchen Whitmer in the general election.

In the important swing state of Ohio, Trump threw his weight behind the candidacy of Troy Balderson for a seat in the House with not just an endorsement, but also a campaign rally on his behalf. Balderson won this special election, though he will face off again against the same Democrat opponent in November.

Down in Missouri, the Trump-backed candidate for the Republican nomination to face incumbent Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill — Josh Hawley — easily won his race and is poised to knock off McCaskill for her blue seat in a red state.- READ MORE


There’s a “blue wave” headed for America in November … at least, that’s what Democrats have been insisting for months.

That term refers to a liberal takeover of Congress, which would require the current minority party to re-take both the House and Senate in the 2018 midterm elections.

Early primary results in several states, however, have not been promising for Democrats. In an Ohio special election, for instance, it looks all but certain that the Republican will defeat his liberal rival. That’s one of several races the left was counting on for its “blue wave” to come true.

Now, the left may have even more bad news. According to a poll analysis from Real Clear Politics, the liberal party has an overall advantage … but if past elections are any guide, it is much too low to retake Congress.

“Real Clear Politics generic ballot now has the Democrat advantage down to D+ 3.9% average,” explained Grover Norquist, summarizing the results. “Dems need to be at +6 to hope to capture House.”

The RCP study looked at many major polls from sources like CNN, Rasmussen, and Reuters, and creates projections based on those numbers. – READ MORE

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