When Biden Asked If Hillary Clinton Was A Good Candidate – He Brings Up… Colin Kaepernick? (VIDEO)


Andrea Mitchell asked Joe Biden if he thought Clinton was a good candidate in an interview on MSNBC Thursday.

“Would she have won if she were a better candidate?” Mitchell asked. Biden dodged the question multiple times, blaming Comey and the Russians for Clinton’s loss. – READ MORE

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During an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, former Vice President Joe Biden had strong words for President Donald Trump.

Biden explained that Trump is attempting to “discredit” the entire FBI and his own Department of Justice.

“What do you think they’re thinking in Moscow?” he wondered. “This is doing everything that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin ever wanted.”

He called the doubt being sown about America’s justice system and the consistency of the Constitution a “disaster.” – READ MORE

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Former Vice President Joe Biden was welcomed Wednesday by Democrats on Capitol Hill with chants of “Run Joe Run!” — signaling there is an appetite in the party for the 75-year-old to make a splash in 2020 presidential race.

Delivering a keynote address to the House Democratic Caucus, Mr. Biden said the party must stick together against President Trump because Republicans refuse to do so.

“Look, to put it in the simplest, starkest terms, the president is looking out for himself only and the Republican Party seems only to be looking out for the president,” Mr. Biden said. “So it is our job to remind the American people that we are looking out for them.”

“That requires us in my view to remain united as a party and not be divided,” he said.

Mr. Biden said the stakes have never been so high, claiming the Trump administration has undermined Democratic institutions, damaged the nation’s moral fabric and tarnished its image across the globe, jeopardizing the safety of the nation over the long haul. – READ MORE

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