ANOTHER SENATE SEAT? Indiana GOP Candidate Braun Surges To 4-Point Lead Over Donnelly


A new Indiana poll shows GOP U.S. Senate candidate Mike Braun surging to a four-point lead over Democrat incumbent Joe Donnelly in the race for Donnelly’s Senate seat. The poll found Braun leading, 47%-43%.

The poll was conducted by Mason Strategies. Stephen Spiker of Mason Strategies commented, “When applying the margin of error to each candidate’s vote share, the race is statistically tied. However, two weeks before the election you’d rather be Mike Braun than Joe Donnelly with these numbers.”

30% of likely voters said they were more likely to vote for Donnelly because he voted against the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. As Indy Politics noted:

There is a 29-pt gender gap: Men prefer Braun 55% – 36%, while women prefer Donnelly 39% to 49% … Independents favor Donnelly 48% – 37% … Braun is leading 83% to 7% among those who approve of Trump’s job performance; Donnelly leads 84% to 6% among those who do not. This suggests the race has become nationalized, as neither is winning a significant crossover. – READ MORE


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