Alyssa Milano Claims the Media ‘Coddled’ Trump During the Campaign, Continues to Normalize Him (VIDEO)


While being interview by former intelligence officer Buck Sexton, actress Alyssa Milano blasted the media because she believes they “coddled” then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election. She then said the media continues to normalize his behavior.

“And I think that because we have not called out the absurdity for the last, I don’t know, two and a half years, since our president started campaigning to be president because the media didn’t call out how absolutely absurd this was,” Milano said.

“You don’t think the media’s hostile enough to Trump?” Sexton asked.

“I’m talking about two and a half years ago when he started to run in his campaign, the fact that the media actually normalized some of what he did, and continues to normalize it instead of going, ‘Can you believe how crazy this is?’” Milano replied. – READ MORE


How many layers removed can a source be before the entire report starts to look absurd?

The Associated Press seems to have pushed the limits in an article published Friday morning. Here’s the lede:

A senior Justice Department lawyer says a former British spy told him at a breakfast meeting two years ago that Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump “over a barrel,” according to multiple people familiar with the encounter.

So, sources say a DOJ lawyer said a former British spy told him that Russian intelligence told him it had the president “over a barrel” during the 2016 elections. Got that? The AP’s tweet wasn’t any clearer, stating: “BREAKING: Sources reveal senior Justice Department lawyer’s interview with lawmakers: He said former British spy told him Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump ‘over a barrel’ during the 2016 campaign.”- READ MORE

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