Alan Dershowitz slams liberals for claiming Trump is mentally ill (VIDEO)


Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz blasted liberals over the weekend for trying to “undo democracy” by claiming President Trump should be removed because he’s mentally unstable.

Speaking to Fox News on Sunday, Dershowitz said that tactic from the left is “very dangerous.”

“There’s only one thing worse than trying to criminalize political differences, and that’s trying to psychiatrize them,” he said. – READ MORE


Constitutional law scholar Alan Dershowitz has faced consequences in his personal life for his public repudiation of the obstruction of justice theorizing surrounding President Donald Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey.

Dershowitz, a former Democratic darling and Harvard law professor, has appeared on TV regularly throughout Trump’s inaugural year to reiterate his strongly-held opinion that charging Trump with obstruction would trigger a constitutional crisis and Trump was acting well in within his authority when he fired Comey.

As a result, he says his friends and family have lost respect for him.

“My really, really close friends say, ‘You’re 100 percent right in your analysis, but can’t you just shut the f–k up and not talk at all,’” he told Politico on Tuesday. “They tell me, ‘This is a time for selective silence.’ My nephew thinks I’m helping keep in office one of the greatest dangers in American history. I tell him I’m just standing up for principle. He tells me that I don’t have to stand up so loud.” – READ MORE

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