Dozens of diplomats and security experts are sending a loud and clear message to President Trump: It’s time to ditch the Iran nuclear deal.
The 45 former security officials who wrote to the president Wednesday urged him to consider the plan brainstormed by former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton. The officials included experts who served in GOP administrations in senior roles related to nuclear weapons, arms control, nonproliferation and intelligence.
Ambassador Bolton’s strategy calls for canceling the deal – in consultation with the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Israel and Saudi Arabia – because of the Islamic republic’s “outright violations and other unacceptable Iranian behavior.” Bolton wants more robust sanctions to permanently stop nuclear technology from being transferred to Iran. He also proposes increased sanctions because Iran is a leading state sponsor of terror and a major destabilizing actor in the Middle East.
Under the terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, President Trump’s administration is obligated to periodically determine whether Iran is meeting the terms of the nuclear deal. If the administration determines the nation is complying, it will recertify the agreement.- READ MORE
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