Witness Says Democrat Lawmaker Was The One Who Said ‘Go Back Where You Came From’


A woman who witnessed the incident between Georgia Democrat State Rep. Erica Thomas and Eric Sparkes says that Sparkes did not say what Thomas claims and that Thomas was the one who said it.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported:​

A Publix employee told a Cobb County deputy that she witnessed part of the conversation and heard Thomas “continuously tell Eric Sparkes to ‘Go back where you came from!’” but did not hear Sparkes utter those words to Thomas.

The employee reportedly told police that Sparkes began to leave, but Thomas kept “running her mouth.”

“Mr. Sparks (sic) did not appear to be irate, nor did I see him with clenched hands in the video,” the report says. “He initially did enter Ms. Thomas’ personal space but backed as Ms. Thomas moved forward and around the counter toward Mr. Sparkes pointing her finger at him. Ms. Thomas advanced toward Mr. Sparkes a second time at which point, (a Publix employee) comes into the frame and waves for Mr. Sparkes to leave, which he did. Simultaneously, Ms. Thomas returned to the register, stated something to (her daughter) and then paid for her items. I observed Ms. Thomas’ daughter smiling shortly after. This confrontation lasted approximately 45 seconds.” – READ MORE

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