Halloween is coming up soon so, of course, the witches are coming out of the woodwork.
Thousands of witches plan to gather on Thursday to cast a spell on President Trump in a move dubbed #MagicResistance.
The spell is “to bind Donald Trump and all those who abet him,” and the witches plan to do the spell at every waning crescent moon, hoping their magic will drive Trump out of office.
“With rituals and spells for protection of immigrants and refugees, reproductive rights, anti-fascism, and protection of the earth (among other critical issues), you can be part of the powerful #MagicResistance movement,” Michael M. Hughes wrote in 2017 on ExtraNewsfeed.
“This document has been making the rounds in a number of magical groups both secretive and public. It was created by me along with members of several private magical orders who wish to remain anonymous. I make no claims about its efficacy, and several people have noted it can be viewed as more of a mass art/consciousness-raising project (similar to the 1967 exorcism and levitation of the Pentagon), than an actual magical working. But many are clearly taking it very seriously,” he writes. – READ MORE