Charles Krauthammer reacted to the FBI release of investigative documents on Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, saying he was struck by the “brazenness” of Clinton’s lying.
“I think what’s striking about what came out today is the brazenness. I mean, everyone knows she lies. William Safire wrote 20 years ago that she was a congenital liar. So we’ve had 20 years of lies in the interim.”
But he said that Clinton’s public comment about using her private email out of “convenience” doesn’t square up with the fact that she went through 13 BlackBerry devices.
“She didn’t want to carry two, but she actually had 13, many of which – I think most of which – are in fact unaccounted for.”
He said that the release reinforces the idea that Clinton is untrustworthy and “living by a different set of rules.” – READ MORE