West Point Knew the Commie Cadet Was an Avowed Marxist—and Graduated Him Anyway


West Point knew that they had an anti-American “commie cadet” on their hands back in 2015 and went ahead and graduated him in May of 2016 anyway, according to new reports.

Spenser Rapone, now a 2nd lieutenant in the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, became the subject of an Army investigation after several of his pro-communism messages on social media were publicized last month, spurring a firestorm of disapproval in the conservative media.

Rapone, who goes by @punkproletarian on his now private Twitter account, has indicated in posts online that he is a “socialist organizer” for the Democratic Socialists of America, an antifa supporter, and a Che Guevara fan who has contempt for the United States military.

Retired Army Lt. Col. Robert Heffington, who taught history at the academy, wrote in a sworn statement in November of 2015 that Rapone’s disrespectful attitude and social media activity were reason for grave concern. The purpose of the statement was to “document potential criminal activity involving the U.S. military and to allow Army officials to maintain discipline, law and order through investigation of complaints and incidents.”READ MORE

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