Even the Veterans of Foreign War booed the fake news media today in Kansas City, Missouri.
The US liberal mainstream media coverage of President Trump is 90% negative.- READ MORE
[divider][/divider]The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) said Tuesday that the organization is “disappointed” in its national convention attendees who booed the media during President Trump’s speech earlier in the day.
“We were disappointed to hear some of our members boo the press,” VFW spokeswoman Randi Law said in a statement to The Hill. “We rely on the media to help spread the VFW’s message, and CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, and others on site today, were our invited guests. We were happy to have them there.”
The president spoke to the VFW convention in Kansas City, Mo., delivering a wide-ranging speech in which he touted his relationship with North Korea, criticized other countries’ trade practices and railed against illegal immigration. – READ MORE
[divider][/divider] [contentcards url=”https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/07/its-spreading-even-vfw-boos-liberal-fake-news-media-at-trump-speech-in-kc-video/” target=”_blank”]