WATCH: Conservative Body Language Analyst Picks Apart Ford’s Testimony Against Kavanaugh


In a video published by the YouTube channel “Body Language Ghost,” a conservative body language analyst walks through Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday and concludes that she is not being honest and appears to have been coached on key questions.

The analyst for “Body Language Ghost,” which posts video analyses of various media personalities and political figures on both sides of the aisle, highlights several tells she says are signs that Ford is effectively playing a role in order to make her testimony convincing.- READ MORE


In a sworn statement provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, a man who claims to be an ex-boyfriend of Christine Blasey Ford says that he personally witnessed Ford coach a friend on how to take a polygraph exam. If true, it would mean Ford provided false testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week when she claimed she had never had any discussions with anyone about how to take a polygraph.

The troubling allegations about Ford’s polygraph history and potentially false testimony were revealed Tuesday in a letter from Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, to attorneys for Ford. Ford and her attorneys have thus far refused to provide all polygraph-related documents and media to the Senate for review.

“The full details of Dr. Ford’s polygraph are particularly important because the Senate Judiciary Committee has received a sworn statement from a longtime boyfriend of Dr. Ford’s, stating that he personally witnessed Dr. Ford coaching a friend on polygraph examinations,” Grassley wrote. “When asked under oath in the hearing whether she’d ever given any tips or advice to someone who was planning on taking a polygraph, Dr. Ford replied, ‘Never.’”

“This statement raises specific concerns about the reliability of her polygraph examination results,” he continued. “The Senate therefore needs this information.” – READ MORE

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