Washington Post MOCKS ‘Macho, Gun-Packing’ Vegas Massacre Survivor


Leave it to The Washington Post to smear and mock a Las Vegas massacre survivor, seemingly because he’s a proud gun owner.

In a new low, the Post‘s Avi Selk decided to target the real bad guy in the Las Vegas massacre, which left 58 dead and injured nearly 500 others: no, not the killer, but massacre survivor Dan Bilzerian, who reportedly saw a woman get her head blown off right in front of him and rushed back to his home to “grab a gun” and then return to the scene to help others for hours.

What a macho, gun-packing Instagram star did when he was caught in the Las Vegas shooting,” reads the headline, posted a mere three days after the attack.

According to Selk, the “macho, gun-packing” Bilzerian, an Instagram star, is a fraud because he initially ran to safety moments after he witnessed a woman tragically get her face blown off, as bullets rained down on him and thousands of others. – READ MORE

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