Virginia county to fund militia, per US Constitution, in wake of Democrats’ gun-control agenda


Amid dozens of Virginia counties declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries in case the state enacts strict gun-control measures next year, Tazewell County joined in — and took a big extra step.

In addition to passing a resolution declaring the county a Second Amendment sanctuary, the Tazewell County Board of Supervisors on Dec. 3 also passed a resolution underscoring the right to a well-funded and regulated militia as described in the U.S. Constitution and the commonwealth’s constitution, WJHL-TV reported.

And even though Democrats outnumber Republicans 3-2 on the board, both resolutions passed unanimously, the station said.

The Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution indicates the county won’t provide funds for any measure infringing upon its citizens’ Second Amendment rights, the station said.

The militia resolution allocates county funds to maintain a well-regulated militia, board chairman Travis Hackworth told WJHL. – READ MORE

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