Vice Writer Upset He Can’t Vote Without Following State Laws


Some people may be too lazy, but Americans are not stupid, and can figure out how to follow the law in order to vote. But here comes Vice attempting to prove Voter ID laws disenfranchise voters, but the report’s author makes it clear he wanted to vote without following simple state laws.

Tennessee law requires someone wanting to vote to provide either state or federally issued photo identification. And by state, I mean “state of Tennessee,” in case that wasn’t clear, because it apparently wasn’t clear to Davis Winkie, who claimed recently in Vice that despite having a “valid driver’s license” a student ID card, a voter registration card, his birth certificate, utility bills, and a copy of his lease, he wasn’t allowed to vote.

Again, Tennessee requires a state or federally issued photo ID to vote. None of that other stuff matters, and these laws were passed in 2013 (a year before Winkie and his wife moved to the state) and are advertised heavily.

The state also lists what counts as valid ID: an up-to-date or even expired state driver’s license, a U.S. passport, or a military ID. Tennessee also provides a free Department of Safety and Homeland Security-issued photo ID at state DMVs.- READ MORE


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