US Military’s Top Enlisted Leader Drops Brutal Threat to ISIS, Offers Them Options on How to Die


On Tuesday, the Pentagon’s top enlisted officer, Army Sgt. Maj. John Wayne Troxell, sounded out a savage message to ISIS on Facebook. Not only did he state that the Joint Force was “on order to annihilate” ISIS, but he said it would beat ISIS to death with its shovels if it didn’t surrender.

He posted it with a picture of a soldier holding his entrenching tool with the text, “#ISIS_SurrenderOrDie” – READ MORE


A British soldier is credited with using a spade to decapitate an ISIS terrorist during an ambush in eastern Afghanistan, according to published reports.

During a fierce, six-hour gun battle, the veteran sergeant reportedly cut off the gunman’s head just as a Special Air Service unit ran low on ammunition, according to the Daily Mail. After killing him, the soldier used the jihadist’s own weapon to kill more ISIS members, according to the report. U.S. troops soon moved in to help rescue the SAS soldiers.

The SAS unit was forced to take cover in farm while under fire from ISIS gunmen, reports state. They started to run low on bullets and radioed their base for support, but could not tell if their message was received. The soldiers then reportedly agreed to fight to the death rather than face capture. They knew that being captured would mean torture and a filmed execution.

The jihadists starting closing in as the SAS soldiers began running out of ammo, reports state. The SAS soldiers decided to defend themselves by using rifles as clubs and grenades, if necessary. And that’s when one of them killed a jihadists with a spade. (THE BLAZE)


Hundreds of ISIS fighters had just been chased out of a northern Syrian city and were fleeing through the desert in long convoys, presenting an easy target to U.S. A-10 “warthogs.”

But the orders to bomb the black-clad jihadists never came, and the terrorists melted into their caliphate — living to fight another day. The events came in August 2016, even as then-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was vowing on the campaign trail to let generals in his administration crush the organization that, under President Obama, had grown from the “jayvee team” to the world’s most feared terrorist organization.

“I will…quickly and decisively bomb the hell out of ISIS,” Trump, who would name legendary Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis as secretary of defense, promised. “We will not have to listen to the politicians who are losing the war on terrorism.”

Just over a year later, ISIS has been routed from Iraq and Syria with an ease and speed that’s surprised even the men and women who carried out the mission. Experts say it’s a prime example of a campaign promise kept. President Trump scrapped his predecessor’s rules of engagement, which critics say hamstrung the military, and let battlefield decisions be made by the generals in the theater, and not bureaucrats in Washington.

At its peak, ISIS held land in Iraq and Syria that equaled the size of West Virginia, ruled over as many as 8 million people, controlled oilfields and refineries, agriculture, smuggling routes and vast arsenals. It ran a brutal, oppressive government, even printing its own currency. (FOX NEWS)

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