Union bosses, closely tied to the Democrat Party, say American union workers sticking with President Trump in 2020 and his economic nationalist agenda is “a serious problem” for them.
A report by the Wall Street Journal reveals how union bosses and Democrats are looking to peel off Trump’s support from American union workers who back his agenda, where most recently he has demanded multinational corporations move their production in China to the U.S.
The Journal reports:
“It’s a serious problem for us,” said Alan Netland, president of the North East Area Labor Council in Duluth, Minn., which represents 40,000 union members. “People may say, ‘I voted Republican and the world didn’t fall in, so maybe I better keep doing that.’” [Emphasis added]
Union officials, along with Democratic presidential candidates, are now trying to highlight what they see as a yawning gap between the president’s pro-worker rhetoric and his policies. [Emphasis added]
Democratic candidates have put appeals to working-class voters at the front of their campaigns. “I am a union man,” declared former Vice President Joe Biden, who leads in 2020 primary polls, during his campaign kickoff in Pennsylvania in May. [Emphasis added] – READ MORE