Trump to NRA Convention: Fewer Would Have Died in Paris if Patrons Could Shoot Back


While Speaking To The Nra Convention On May 4, President Trump Referenced The November 13, 2015, Paris Attack And Noted That Fewer Innocents Would Have Died If Patrons Could Have Shot Back.

BBC News reported that 130 were killed via “coordinated” shooting and bombings in Paris. This includes 89 who were shot to death in the Bataclan theater alone.

The Los Angeles Times reports that Trump referenced the attack as proof that gun control does not control bad people. He said, “Paris, France, has the toughest gun laws in the world. Nobody has guns in Paris.” He talked of how the gun-free status of patrons allowed the killers to slowly and deliberately kill at will. Trump said, “They took their time and gunned them down one by one.”

Then Trump leveled the clincher: “But if one employee, or just one patron had a gun, or if one person in this room had been there with a gun, the terrorists would have fled or been shot.” – READ MORE

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