Trump on Las Vegas shooting: ‘When the worst of humanity strikes, the best of humanity responds’ (VIDEO)


President Trump honored the victims of Sunday night’s shooting at a country music festival in Las Vegas during his weekly address and praised the first responders and fellow concert-goers who sprang into action to assist others during the shooting.

“In the wake of such shock and horror, it was a matter of seconds before the goodness of the human spirit broke through. When the shooting began, a mother laid on top of her daughter to shield her from gunfire. A husband died to protect his beloved wife. Strangers rescued strangers, police officers and first responders rushed into danger,” Trump said Friday. “When the worst of humanity strikes, the best of humanity responds.”

Trump and first lady Melania Trump traveled to Las Vegas on Wednesday to meet with those injured during Sunday night’s shooting at the Route 91 Harvest music festival. – READ MORE

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