The national news media got served this week with bold notice that there is a new sheriff in town. And he likes to kick ass.
When we launched True Pundit we never anticipated having a first week like this. We broke 6 SIX national stories this week. Five were Bombshells. The two stories on Clinton and Google were monsters because no one had ever reported these troubling revelations before. True Pundit changed that, and we feel, the landscape for what readers should expect from on line news sites. We are in the bag for no one. And that will continue to shine through in our work.
Other “journalists’ on Twitter and beyond simply regurgitate the work of others because they do not know how to investigate and break news. You won’t find that at True Pundit. We Tweet. Others re-tweet. We have the chops and are a news source. If our first week hasn’t proven that then nothing will. We had fun watching CBS TV and pick up our scraps this week when we first broke the national story on Omar Mateen’s mosque. Of course, they failed to credit us. They should be embarrassed.
National Stories We Broke in our first week
Undercover Jihad: Omar Mateen Worked for FBI then Went Rogue
The Blood of Omar Mateen’s Victims on Hands of FBI; Failed Agency Cannot Keep Us Safe
Paris Comes to Florida: Florida Terrorist’s Cell Phone Leads to Mosque
DOJ Grand Jury Investigates Florida Terrorist’s Wife: Arrest Expected
I challenge any News Site or journalist to produce these quality stories, with no news budget, during any week, let alone a news site’s inaugural week. We set the bar too high for that. And we’re just getting started.