Triggered Financial Times Goes Full Fearmonger: Electing Trump “Would Unravel The World”


It would appear that, despite the tsunami of ‘spin’ across every major media platform since the end of the debate, the establishment is gravely concerned at Donald Trump’s proximity to ‘their gal’ in the polls. With Hillary herself questioning “why am I not 50 points ahead?”, The Financial Times has unleashed Martin Wolf to explain to the ignorant mass of deplorables just how apocalyptic a Trump presidency would be…

“Sometimes history jumps. Think of the first world war, the Bolshevik revolution, the Great Depression, the election of Adolf Hitler, the second world war, the beginning of the cold war, the collapse of the European empires, Deng Xiaoping’s “reform and opening up” of China, the demise of the Soviet Union, and the financial crisis of 2007-09 and subsequent “great recession”.


We may be on the brink of an event as transformative as many of these: the election of Donald Trump as US president. This would mark the end of a US-led west as the central force in global affairs.The result would not be a new order. It would be perilous disorder.” – READ MORE

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