Towns crack down on American pride this weekend


The Star-Spangled Banner survived the rocket’s red glare and bombs bursting in air – only to face a modern-day threat – silly town ordinances and petty bureaucrats.

I’m not sure if it’s an epidemic of anti-American nincompoopery sweeping across the fruited plain or if it’s a general lack of common sense. Maybe it’s both. I’ll let you be the judge of that.

In Lexington, South Carolina Marine veteran Bob Michaelis was told to remove a patriotic display from his mattress company.

Mr. Michaelis lined the front of his store with American flags – to honor our troops.

“We got 10 flags up,” he told television station WIS. “I thought maybe it was about time we return the patriotism in America. There’s not enough of it. It seems to be lost.”

But instead of congratulating Bob’s patriotism, the town fathers dispatched the law. He was informed that the flags violated an ordinance.

“The town of Lexington says they got to come down because there’s an ordinance in place,” he said.

The town administrator told WIS they did not issue Bob a citation nor did they tell him to take down the flags.

So why did they dispatch the chief of police to visit Bob’s store? Did they need new bedding for the local jail?

Town Administrator Britt Poole told WIS they just wanted to have a “conversation.” – READ MORE 

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