The Lying, Deceiving Cecile Richards: Pro-Life People ‘Lie, Cheat, Steal, Deceive, Break The Law’


We all thought Cecile Richards was stepping down from her role as the abortion queen of Planned Parenthood; we were all wrong.

In a recent interview with Salon, Richards issued her most incendiary comments against pro-lifers yet, castigating them with nearly all the sins labeled in 1 Corinthians 6:9. According to the woman who oversaw roughly 3.5 million abortions throughout her tenure as Planned Parenthood CEO, pro-life people “lie, cheat, steal, deceive and break the law.”

Q. It does seem to me that there has been an escalation of these kinds of attacks on nonprofits like Planned Parenthood. What do you think accounts for that?

A. I don’t exactly know what accounts for it. Obviously, there were a couple of groups that specialize in this. I think that one of the things that I see on the right is they are so much more willing to lie, cheat, steal, deceive, break the law … – READ MORE

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