The Anti-Defamation League officially adds the ‘OK’ sign, the bowl-style haircut to its database of hate symbols


The “OK” hand sign and the bowl-style haircut are now hate symbols — at least according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The ADL released a Thursday report revealing that the “OK” sign is now on their ever-evolving list of offensive and hate-filled symbols, according to CNN.

According to the New York City-based organization, the finger-and-thumb “OK” symbol became linked to white nationalism after a hoax on website 4chan insisted that the sign stood for “white power” and white supremacy.

A mass killer’s bowl-style haircut also made the list along with the “OK” sign.

Known simply as the “bowlcut,” any symbol of the hairstyle resembles the same one “sported by white supremacist mass killer Dylan Roof.” – READ MORE

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