Susan Rice: Trump Is ‘Threatened by’ Obama’s ‘Decency, Family Values’


Wednesday on CNN’s “Tonight,” former Obama administration National Security Adviser Susan Rice claimed President Donald Trump was “threatened by” former President Barack Obama’s “decency, family values.”

Rice said, “They were not focused on the reality a pandemic was going to happen sometime but could happen any time. That’s why they were so flat flatfooted. It didn’t accord with the president’s new trade deal with China, everything being honky dory, the stock market being high, et cetera. So they deflected and delays and didn’t take the months of January and February to prepare as they must. We have lost thousands of lives, and our economy is far worse off than it had otherwise been — had they been on this from day one.”

Lemon asked, “Why do you think he likes to make the former president the scapegoat and blame the former president and your administration on—for everything, really. Why is that?”

Rice said, “I can only assume and infer that President Trump has some extraordinary insecurity in relation to Barack Obama. Everything that Obama stood for, decency, family values, unity, a country that stood tall and proud, not by dividing but by uniting, is the antithesis of who Donald Trump is. And he’s clearly threatened by it. And he clearly likes to use Obama as a foil for all of these failures.” – READ MORE

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