Six states and New York City sue Trump administration for withholding ‘sanctuary city’ funds


Six states and New York City sued the Trump administration on Wednesday for withholding funds from “sanctuary cities,” NBC News reported.

Connecticut, New Jersey, Washington, Massachusetts, Virginia and New York states filed a joint lawsuit in Manhattan federal court, while New York City filed its own suit.

Cities across the U.S. have declared themselves “sanctuaries” since President Trump‘s election, meaning they will not provide information about the legal status of immigrants within their jurisdictions to the federal government.

Trump has gone after these sanctuary cities since he came into office, threatening to withhold federal funding from them.

In July, the Trump administration announced a new policy that requires cities to alert federal agents when undocumented immigrants are released from police detention. If cities fail to comply, the federal government has said it will withhold public safety grants.READ MORE


Someone in San Francisco purchased a full-page ad Friday telling city residents to “Watch your backs — nobody else is.”

“As if stepping over used syringes and filth in Maiden Lane wasn’t bad enough,” reads the ad, which is paid for by the Fed Up Populace Campaign.

The ad was first spotted by Business Insider.

The notice details an alleged incident in which the anonymous ad purchaser went into an eatery to get a sandwich and was being stalked by a scissor-wielding “youngish homeless man.”

“Horrified, I yelled to the waitress and hurried to the other side of the restaurant,” the story continued. “While waiting for security, this psychotic homeless person took a glass of water and walked out of the door onto Geary St. wielding the scissors.”

The “anonymous disgusted female San Francisco resident (for now)” was sure to add that she doesn’t think it’s the establishment’s fault, but rather blames “The San Francisco fathers and those who should be held accountable for our public safety.”READ MORE

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