Sarah Sanders: Trump ‘means what he says’ that shutdown could last months or years


White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Sunday that President Trump “means what he says” when he suggested an ongoing partial government shutdown could extend for months or years.

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Sanders blamed Democrats for the stalemate over funding for Trump’s proposed wall along the southern border, which has precipitated a partial government shutdown that has lasted 16 days and counting.

“It would be outrageous for Democrats, who agree with the president … they agree that we need border security,” she said. “They just are unwilling to let this president win.”

“And I think at some point they have to decide that they care more about Americans than fighting the president,” she said. “And so far, we haven’t seen a willingness on their side to fully do that.”

Sanders was asked why Trump would not support reopening parts of the government unrelated to Homeland Security and the border wall, a move that would provide relief for hundreds of thousands of federal workers who have been furloughed amid the shutdown.

“At some point, we have to say ‘enough is enough,’ ” she said. “We have to stop kicking the can down the road.” – READ MORE


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