Safe Xmas gives LGBTQ Mormons in Utah a place to feel welcome for the holidays


Christmas is a time for family and togetherness, but some members of our community have no place to go simply because of who they are. That’s where Safe Xmas steps in.

Bobbee Mooremon was just a teenager when her family found out she was gay and Trans.

“I was 17. They kicked me out and disowned me, and so I was homeless,” Mooremon said.

The experience left her feeling suicidal, desperate and alone. That’s the reason why Jerilyn Pool started Safe Xmas.

“Sometimes people are just so uncomfortable being alone at home and feeling so much rejection that they just want a place to spend time,” Pool said.

It’s a place in Provo where people who are Mormon and LGBTQ can come and spend the holidays. – READ MORE

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