Rumors Swirl Creepy Porn Lawyer Was Set Up by Pranksters; Avenatti’s Claims of Kavanaugh Gang Rapes Possibly Wild Hoax


Porn lawyer and Twitter loud mouth Michael Avenatti locked his Twitter account down Tuesday morning.

Now rumors are swirling the lawyer’s blockbuster claims on Sunday alleging Brett Kavanaugh and his high school classmates gang raped women at several beer and booze parties are simply a hoax. The main rumor details how Avenatti was tricked by pranksters posing a Holton-Arms high school classmate of Christine Ford and a Georgetown Prep classmate of Kavanaugh who wanted to go public. The woman reportedly claimed she was a rape victim.

Avenatti accused Kavanaugh of running “a train” on one or more party guests. Yet has produced no victim.

If Stormy Daniels’ lawyer was duped, then these bodacious allegations clouding the Kavanaugh hearing on Thursday are simply a wild hoax.

Avanetti owes the public and the Senate some answers here. Either way. He contacted Senate officials Sunday with the raucous claims against Kavanaugh via email. Can he produce the victim or not? And if not, why not?

But now he has gone dark.

“My e-mail of moments ago with Mike Davis, Chief Counsel for Nominations for U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. We demand that this process be thorough, open and fair, which is what the American public deserves. It must not be rushed and evidence/witnesses must not be hidden,” Avenatti Tweeted on Sunday with a long attachment of vicious criminal allegations against Kavanaugh.

That Tweet is locked down now and unavailable along with all of Avenatti’s other Tweets.

Avenatti told the Senate Judiciary Committee late Sunday that he has multiple witnesses who can say Brett Kavanaugh participated in gang rapes of drunken women during high school.

“We are aware of significant evidence of multiple house parties in the Washington, D.C. area during the early 1980s during which Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and others would participate in the targeting of women with alcohol/drugs in order to allow a ‘train’ of men to subsequently gang rape them,” Avenatti said in an email to Mike Davis, chief counsel for nominations for the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Avenatti hinted at the nature of his allegations when he suggested to the Senate Judiciary Committee a series of questions to ask Kavanaugh.

One of his questions: “Did you ever target one or more women for sex or rape at a house party? Did you ever assist Mark Judge or others in doing so?”

Also, Avenatti suggested asking Kavanaugh: “Did you ever attend any house party during which a woman was gang raped or used for sex by multiple men?” – READ MORE

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