Republican strategist, lobbyist, and Donald Trump confidante Roger Stone joinedBreitbart‘s Milo Yiannopoulos on the latest episode of the Milo Yiannopoulos Show to discuss voter fraud and how Trump has the ability to beat it.
“I think your audience knows, I think we all know, that in this day and age, a computer can do anything. These voter machines are essentially a computer. Who is to say they could not be rigged?” asked Stone on the topic of voter fraud.
“Of course they can. Now, you ask me why the Republicans don’t do it, but sadly I think they do,” Stone said. “That’s why I briefly had to leave the Republican Party and become a Libertarian.”
“I have no doubt that after the last election, when Karl Rove, who was George Bush’s campaign manager and a Romney partisan, insisted that ‘no no, your numbers have to be wrong,’ he said on Fox, ‘Romney definitely carried Ohio,’ and the reason he was so certain is because it was bought and paid for,” he claimed. “He knew the fix was supposed to be in. Therefore I can only conclude that sometimes things don’t stay bought, and perhaps Obama came in with a better offer.”
“This stuff is going to horrify most voters, I mean this is amazing,” added Yiannopoulos.
“There’s a mathematician called Richard Charnin, a very eccentric fellow. Last time I met him he was wearing a ski jacket in 90 degree weather, he’s one of those. He’s also brilliant,” replied Stone.
“He’s a retired mathematician and he’s a genius. He’s written an extensive monograph on how every election in the state of Wisconsin in the last decade has been stolen, and you figure this out by comparing the polling, on a district by district basis, to the results, and then you’ll find a swing that is mathematically impossible,” Stone claimed. “In other words, you were losing a given precinct by four points, and then you’ll win it by twelve. Such a swing is unlikely to say the least.” – READ MORE