So, I was reading a recent New York Times article on traitor Mitt Romney and I happened upon a small tidbit in the long (and uneventful) article that I just had to share.
The piece blathered on about Romney’s so-called conscience and moral dilemma in the age of Trump (yada, yada, yada) and also gave Romney some print time to Trash President Trump for his “mean” and “unfortunate tweets.
But it was the part about Romney being yelled at in grocery stores and on airplanes that caught my eye and made me smile and get all warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
So, I thought you might like to know that Mitt Romney can’t go to a grocery store without being berated.
It is not just Senate Republicans who have gone against Mr. Romney, who has become a heat rod inside Mr. Trump’s party.
He gets yelled at in grocery stores, among other places. “I was on an airplane a few months ago and someone seated across the aisle began heckling me,” Mr. Romney recalled. It involved a “social issue” he said, and a flight attendant had to come over. “And they were moved to a different seat, so that I wouldn’t be bothered.” – READ MORE