Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan explained on Tuesday why he and 60 other congressmen have signed a letter asking Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to recuse herself from the travel ban case.
In the fall, the Supreme Court will decide whether President Trump’s executive order restricting travel from some foreign countries is constitutional. However, a number of congressmen allege that Justice Ginsburg ought to sit the case out because she has previously made comments critical of Trump.
“Code of conduct or judges is real clear, you shouldn’t endorse, you shouldn’t oppose a candidate,” Jordan told Fox News. “And if you do, and that person is now in front of you in some type of issue, you’re supposed to recuse yourself.”
“If your impartiality can be questioned, you should recuse yourself according to 28 U.S. Code,” he continued.
Jordan admitted that Supreme Court justices are not required to follow the code of conduct for judges, so Ginsburg probably won’t recuse herself, but said he felt this is an issue important to the American people.
“This is part of a broader problem,” he said. “The American people are so frustrated with what they view was people who aren’t being impartial…this is what the American people hate.”
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