Rep. Duncan Hunter, wife indicted on corruption charges in California


Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and his wife, Margaret, were indicted on charges of illegally converting $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses and filing false records, prosecutors announced Tuesday.

In response, House Speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday evening that he would remove the congressman from all committee assignments for the time being, calling the charges against Hunter “deeply serious.”

Among the allegations named in the 48-page indictment included instances between 2009 and 2016 when Hunter and his wife used campaign funds to pay for family vacations to Italy and Hawaii, school tuition, dental work, and even domestic and international travel for almost a dozen relatives, according to a press release from the Southern District of California’s U.S. Attorney’s Office.

The indictment also alleged that the pair spent “tens of thousands of dollars” on items ranging from movie tickets, fast food, golf outings, groceries and home utilities.READ MORE



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