Rand Paul Releases Annual Wasteful Spending Report, Finds $10 Million Grant For ‘Peruvian Green New Deal’


In the spirit of the fictitious Seinfeld holiday, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has released The Festivus Report 2019, an annual report to highlight wasteful government spending.

“Happy Festivus! Another year gone already,” writes Paul in the introduction to the 2019 report. “It seems like just yesterday I was sounding the alarm over a $20 trillion debt, and now the U.S. has pushed past $23 trillion! The more things changed in 2019, the more they stayed the same.”

In the report, Paul draws attention to over $50 billion in government waste, which was spent on everything from a grant in which a “significant portion” of the funds went to studying the mating calls of frogs in Panama ($466,991), a program under which the U.S. supplies children in Afghanistan with textbooks, many of which turned out to be subpar or otherwise unusable ($33,921,175), and helping the Peruvian government to develop a “Green New Deal” (up to $10,000,000).

Paul highlights the outrageous nature of funding a Green New Deal abroad while Democrats are unable to gather a single vote in the U.S. Senate for the plan domestically.  – READ MORE

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