Powell warned Clinton about using a BlackBerry


Former Secretary of State Colin Powell warned Hillary Clinton about using a BlackBerry to conduct official business in her first days as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state, according to the FBI investigation’s report into Clinton’s use of a private server to handle classified information in office released Friday.

According to the report, Clinton emailed Powell on Jan. 23, 2009, to ask about his use of a BlackBerry during his time in office from 2001 to 2005. In his response, according to the FBI, Powell told Clinton that if it became “public” that she was using a BlackBerry to “do business,” the emails could become “official records[s] and subject to the law.”

“Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data,” Powell said in the same email.

Clinton told the FBI that she understood Powell’s comments to mean that any of her work-related communications would be records of the government and “did not factor into her decision to use a personal e-mail account,” according to the report. – READ MORE

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