Poll Shows Near-Unanimous Support for Anti-Crime Bills Spiked by Maryland Democrats


Democratic lawmakers in Maryland effectively killed a package of crime prevention bills proposed by Republican governor Larry Hogan despite support by wide majorities across the state and inside Baltimore, which has become America’s deadliest large city.

Internal polling data shared with the Washington Free Beacon by Hogan’s office found overwhelming support for the four bills included in the package. The Witness Intimidation Prevention Act, which strengthened penalties for harming or threatening alleged witnesses, was supported by 97 percent of Baltimore residents and 90 percent of African Americans statewide, according to the results. Maryland Democrats have said they will not give the package an up-or-down vote.

Hogan admonished Democrats for opposing public safety reforms, pointing to Baltimore’s violent crime crisis as proof that the government needs to change its approach. The city saw 58 murders per 100,000 residents in 2019, a higher murder rate than that of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras—countries with some of the highest crime rates in the world.

“Since the legislative session started, 104 more people have been shot and 39 people have been killed on the streets of Baltimore, and yet the legislature has not taken action on these bills,” Hogan said during a Thursday press conference. “We’re sitting here while Rome is burning.” – READ MORE

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