Ohio University has announced a ban of protests, demonstrations, and other political rallies within campus buildings, because such activities are “disruptive to university operations.”
The Post, Athens reported on Saturday that the publicly-funded university’s new policy, titled “Freedom of Expression,” was announced this weekend, in addition to changes to the school’s use of outdoor space policy. Though announced on Friday, the policies took effect on an interim basis on August 17 with no announcement until this week.
The policy specifically prohibits “demonstrations, rallies, public speech-making, picketing, sit-ins, marches, protests, and similar assemblies” within university buildings. The campus press release calls it “a continuation of a ‘long-standing prohibition of demonstrations and sit-ins inside buildings.’”
[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/10/ohio-university-bans-protests-and-political-assemblies-in-campus-buildings/” target=”_blank”]