President Obama sent two senior White House officials Friday to pay the country’s collective respect and undying gratitude to Alton Sterling, a convicted sex offender, convicted domestic abuser, convicted burglar, and convicted drug user among other convictions. At the time of his death, Sterling was also facing a pending criminal charge for possession of narcotics.
White House officials Roy Austin, deputy assistant to the president for urban affairs, and Stephanie Young, an Obama advisor, attended the funeral, along with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
Sterling was shot and killed July 5 by two Baton Rouge police officers after a ground scuffle where Sterling tried to pull his gun on the police. Of course, Sterling was a felon so he wasn’t allowed to possess a firearm under any circumstances, but with a rap sheet like Sterling, who would expect the deceased 36-year-old chronic offender to obey the law? Sterling was a registered sex offender in Louisiana. He plead guilty to sexually violating a minor, after he impregnated a 14 year old girl when he was 20. Unfortunately, his career in crime didn’t end there.
The death of Sterling has sparked protests nationwide of people marching in the streets and holding signs calling Sterling a “hero” and demanding justice for the convicted sex offender, convicted domestic abuser, convicted burglar, and convicted drug user who tried to beef up his criminal resume by shooting police officers in Baton Rouge. Jesse Jackson called Sterling a “martyr” and the definition of “southern hospitality.”
Gary Chambers, a spokesman for the Sterling family and master of ceremonies for the funeral, said the event was intended to celebrate the life of the convicted sex offender, convicted domestic abuser, convicted burglar, and convicted drug user among other convictions.
No details were available on whether any White House officials attended the separate funerals of the five slain Dallas Police Officers, who were killed, in part, to avenge the death of Sterling by Micah Johnson.
White House officials Roy Austin and Stephanie Young