NSA Secretly Gives Tech Company A $2.4 Billion Contract


The NSA quietly granted a tech company a $2.4 billion contract last week in part of a larger series of deals with IT service firms, according to Nextgov.

The NSA, or the larger Department of Defense, have apparently made very little effort, if any, to announce the expensive agreement, and the tech company CSRA disclosed the partnership within a very brief Securities and Exchange Commission filing. Under the NSA’s Groundbreaker program, the federal agency is set to make a total of three business arrangements with firms in order to develop and establish a private cloud computing network, among other virtual systems, according to Washington Business Journal. Particulars of Groundbreaker are limited, perhaps unsurprisingly given the nature of the NSA.

The SEC filing, for example, is one of the few recent tidbits of information related to the program. The CSRA is hoping to get all three contracts, Nextgov reports, which are anticipated to be finalized later in the year. – READ MORE

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