New York Times Op-Ed Blasts Mark Zuckerberg for Interfering with Flow of Information


In a New York Times op-ed, contributor Stevan Dojcinovic attacked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for treating people like guinea pigs.

In the article, Dojcinovic criticizes Facebook for using his nation, Serbia, as a “laboratory” which is affecting the free flow of information in a country that has had problems with censorship.

“My country, Serbia, has become an unwilling laboratory for Facebook’s experiments on user behavior — and the independent, nonprofit investigative journalism organization where I am the editor in chief is one of the unfortunate lab rats,” declared Dojcinovic. “Last month, I noticed that our stories had stopped appearing on Facebook as usual. I was stunned. Our largest single source of traffic, accounting for more than half of our monthly page views, had been crippled. Surely, I thought, it was a glitch. It wasn’t.”

Dojcinovic explained that Facebook had chosen Serbia, along with other small countries, to test page exclusion from the news feed.

“Serbia is a perfect example of why the political context of Facebook’s experimentation matters. Serbia escaped the dictatorship of Slobodan Milosevic in 2000, but it hasn’t developed into a fully functioning democracy,” he proclaimed. “One party, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, controls not only the Parliament but also the whole political system. Our country has no tradition of checks and balances. Mr. Vucic now presents himself as progressive and pro-European, but as minister of information in the Milosevic government, he was responsible for censoring news coverage.”

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