New poll hits NFL with bad news less than a week from the start of the 2018 season


With less than a week before the start of the 2018 NFL regular season, a new poll shows fewer people are closely following the NFL compared to just a few years ago.

The difference between now and then? Highly divisive national anthem demonstrations.

The Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that just 52 percent of registered voters are closely following the NFL this season, a 3 percent increase from January. However, the figure is down six points from 2014 when the same poll found that 58 percent of Americans closely follow the league.

To no surprise, the poll found that men older than 50 follow the NFL more closely than any other demographic. Unfortunately, that’s also the demographic that is most likely to view national anthem demonstrations as not appropriate. – READ MORE


Pro-tennis player Serena Williams is supporting former National Football League (NFL) player Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling during the national anthem.

“I think every athlete, every human and definitely every African-American should be completely grateful and honored,” Williams told The Associated Press.

Along with Kaepernick, she also praised another former San Francisco 49ers player, Eric Reid, after the pair showed up at the U.S. Open on Friday.

The NFL protests during the national anthem continued into this season, stirring up controversy, but it all began when Kaepernick first knelt during the 2016 season in protest to police brutality and racial inequality. – READ MORE

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