Networks Stuff Shows With Over 2 Hours of Wolff Gossip Book Insults


The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks engaged in a feeding frenzy over Michael Wolff’s gossip-filled book, as they ate up the salacious details in Fire and Fury. From January 3 through January 9, the networks stuffed their evening and morning programs with over two hours of coverage of the Wolff book and the subsequent fallout for former Donald Trump aide Stephen Bannon.

But other big news, like the FBI re-opening the investigation into the Clinton Foundation scandal (11 minutes, 10 seconds) and the Dow Jones cracking the 25,000 mark (5 minutes, 46 seconds) were swamped by the Wolff book coverage (2 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds).

CBS was the most obsessed network, as it jammed its programs with 49 minutes and 40 seconds of coverage of the Wolff book and Bannon news. ABC wasn’t far behind as it spent 46 minutes and 22 seconds on the book and its repercussions for Bannon. NBC devoted 44 minutes and 3 seconds to the Wolff and Bannon topics.  – READ MORE


As with many things in the book there are two answers that question: Michael Wolff’s version of the facts and reality.

Wolff brags in a recent interview that he had sold a “million copies,” as of the close of business hours Monday.

“I’m going around saying, ‘It’s just a book,’ but it has become something so much larger,” he claimed, citing Trump’s attacks on the book and his failed attempt to prevent it from being published.

According to BookScan, the industry leader in tracking the point of sale for books, Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” sold 29,000 copies as of Wednesday. – READ MORE


On Friday, Michael Wolff released his newest book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” which allegedly details President Donald Trump’s first nine months in office.

While some of the claims have been debunked, Wolff claimed during an interview with BBC he compiled the book by using the “time-honored fashion” of talking to people close to Trump.

Detractors of the president have repeatedly made attempts to oust Trump from office, and Wolff claimed his book is the final straw. He said:

“Suddenly everywhere people are going, ‘Oh, my God, it’s true, he has no clothes.’ That’s the background to the perception and the understanding that will finally end … this presidency.” (IJR)


The Republican National Committee has started a war against the author of the wild tell-all book about President Donald Trump and his administration.

In an email blast and follow-up tweet, the RNC distributed a reimagined cover for Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury decorated with prominent journalists’ critiques of the book.

The Republican mock-up, titled “Liar and Phony,” quotes several notable journalists commenting on Wolff’s book, including esteemed White House reporter Maggie Haberman of the New York Times, CNN’s senior media correspondent Brian Stelter and Politico’s senior media reporter Michael Calderone.

“He gets basic details wrong,” the GOP quoted Haberman as saying. The Times correspondent made her remarks during a Friday appearance on CNN’s “New Day,” in which she said Wolff’s book is “notionally” and “conceptually true,” but includes details that “are often wrong.” (HUFFINGTON POST)

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